Z in the Middle wants to make your webpage, e-zine, blog, or newsletter fabulous. We offer formatting in the form of rewriting the code on your existing publication to make it more versatile and user friendly. We also provide content for your webzines, e-zine and cyberzines. We offer editing for all types of publications, be it hard copy or on the internet.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Webzine Editing $20 initial, $8 / hour

A Webzine is an ezine hosted on the World Wide Web rather than in print. A webzine tends to be published on a regulated basis (weekly, biweekly, monthly) and may maintain an editorial control system. A distinguishing characteristic from blogs is that webzines bypass the strict adherence to the reverse-chronological format; the front page is mostly clickable headlines and is laid out either manually on a periodic basis, or automatically based on the story type.

source Wikipedia